
Witch, Healer, Guide, Queen

Spiritual Consultant

Readings - Healings
Do you feel like your missing some important information about your life? Set up an appointment and ask a modern day Oracle.

Priestess - Teacher

Do you wish to serve the Gods? Do you desire to learn the mysteries of all things? Do the mysteries of Hekate, Aphrodite, Demeter and Persephone stir your soul? Are you a witch? Come and be part of a magical family that makes a difference.

Beauty Consultant

Beauty is Power. The Goddess within wants to be released. Let me help you makeover your style. Schedule a Spa party for your and your friends, or a one-on-one full makeover.

Priestess and Oracle

Community is built in celebration. Come experience the magic of working together with a community of life-minded people and together we can change the World. Bella teaches workshops, and can lead rituals at your event. Her specialty is Invokation. Bella, as a Vessel for Goddess, allows you to speak directly to the Gods. 

Teacher and Guide

Bella is a transformational Priestess of the Goddess. Her role is to notice your strengths and empower you to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. Whether it's through learning magic, healing your wounds, facing your shadow, or polishing your appearance, with Bella in your corner as a guide through life's challenges, you will never go wrong.
The Textbooks for Freshman and Sophomore Core at WiccanSeminary.EDU.
Read these books and Change your Life!

The ABC's of Wicca

Cosmology of Magic

Accelerated Wicca takes the complicated out of Wicca, and prepares your mind, body and spirit to be a Vessel of the Gods.

Keys to cross the Realms

Between the Worlds shows you how to access and cross through the hidden doorwars into the Realms of Magick

Embodying Diety
Soon to be Released

Facing the Shadow, healing the wounds, and Embracing the Gods.

Book an appointment!

Send us an email and let's set your consultation!

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