In 2019 Lady Bella was the Vessel of the Great Mother Demeter in Her Holy City of Eleusis at Spring Mysteries Festival. The Goddess directed Bella to share Demeter's message with the children of earth.
The Great Mother asked us to plant Sunflower seeds in Her honor, but to also replant Her earth in Heirloom seeds. She explained that the bees are dying and need our help to survive.
Demeter is the Goddess of Abundance and happily provides for all Her children. Yet Her children have turned away from Her green growing things, and have become enslaved by the economic practices of your governments. She does not want you to suffer slavery.
Instead She wishes for the world to bloom at your feet. She wishes to provide for your food, clothes, shelter, medicine, everything you need. She longs for you to reconnect with the paradise She has provided for you.
She waits for you to come outside and play with Her, learn from Her, and be nurtured by Her. Demeter desires you to re-indiginize yourself to Her and the earth which is Her body. The Mother is literally laying at your feet, begging you to interact with Her, to spend time with Her, so that she can spend time with you, giving to you and teach you important aspects about living on the earth.
The Goddess and all Her creatures wait for your attention. They desire to connect with you, and give back to you. But, there is only so much they can give without your return of energy and time is running out.
We cannot thrive on the plastic foods the supermarkets and restaurants are providing for us. The illnesses that plague our society cannot be stopped with medicine. Our children need a healthy planet for their survival.
Pollinators are a vital part of the cycle. Your garden cannot feed you without pollinators. Help bees survive by creating a market for them. Buy bee safe products, and purchase bees to repopulate your garden.
We receive much enjoyment from perfumes, and flowers, but we also receive medicines, and flavors for cooking.
Fruit trees provide much food for you, your neighbors, and the animals that support our ecosystem.
There's nothing quite as exciting as watching a shoot spring out of the ground, grow leaves and buds, create flowers and fruit, and then seeds.
The cycle of Life effects us all. By participating in it, you honor and strengthen Demeter and Her ability to provide for you.
The rewards of gardening are a rich and happy life filled with good food, good friends and a satisfied disposition.
The continuation of the Ancient Greek Eleusinian Mysteries. The Great Mother has been returning to Earth every Spring to retell Herstory, and welcome the return of Her Holy Daughter.
Demeter's Charity - The Great Mother wants every human to #ReplanttheEarth
In Her Winter Phase, the Great Mother is the Crone Hekate. She reveals a different aspect of Herself every year, as She brings forth modern day messages from Ancient Pagan Gods.